Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dear Kenny

Has it been a year since I wrote you? I'm ashamed. Its not that I haven't missed you. But I can't say I've been all that busy either. Hard to stay busy in a recession. No money to spend. Not spending, not building. Not building, no progress. No progress...boring.

Funny thing happened on the way to the forum Sunday night. We killed Osama (Usama?) bin Laden. Shot 'em dead in his bedroom. Y'know, somehow we even managed to screw that up.

Not that anyone has any sympathy for that murdering bastard. But guess who gets to tell the "real story"? The ex-special forces consultant. The President comes on TV Sunday night and tells the world that the United States has found and killed the head Al Quaida terrorist. And he says it in a way that we can all sit up and be proud. Now he's the President and he is not going to tell all the gory details so his Administration sends their front man out to meet with the press so the morning news can titillate their readers at breakfast.

Well this asshole, John Brennan, holds a press conference and tells the story about two helicopters filled with navy Seals landing in Abbottabad, Pakistan, inside a mysterious compound in which no one knows what to expect. After a crashed helicopter and a horrendous firefight, the Seals broke into OBL's bedroom. He started to fire his weapon while using his wife as a shield. We cut him and his wife down like dogs.

Now we are all feeling all "John Wayne" and proud of our American heroes. Twenty-four hours later....all bullshit. No one inside the compound had a gun. No one fired back. We mowed them down as we swept through the compound. The woman was not his wife. He did not use her as a shield. She was shot in the leg as she tried to attack a Seal with her nails.

I don't feel bad about Osama bin Laden. I don't feel sorry for anyone who associates with him. I think it is completely justifiable for trained Seals to land in the compound and mow down anyone who moves. I even think it is justifiable to walk up to OBL and say "Sorry, we can't take you back. No room." And pop..pop. I think it was an incredible move to take him to an aircraft carrier and throw his corpse overboard at sea. No body, no shrine, no future. Done.

But no. This sonofabitch has to make up this mythical "John Wayne" story and now the Administration has to back peddle. Now people are asking what was the moral or legal thing to do (for fuckin' Osama bin fuckin' Laden fer chissakes)! Brennan wouldn't see the outside for the rest of his life if I were Obama.

Ho hum. No "honeymoon" for the President. He got a "bounce" for 48 hours and now the Republicans are back at his throat.

Time to go home and have a glass of wine, thinking of you.

Your loving brother