Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dear Kenny,

They are at it again. I have to wonder why you or anyone would be a conservative. I know you have been paying attention. The big issue is raising the debt limit for the federal government. Liberals are not fools. They know it is not a good thing to borrow money to pay your existing debt and fund the government. Only a fool would think that is a good thing.

Unfortunately, we have been doing it for some time. I'm not sure how long but being a prejudiced liberal, I'm going to think it started with "Dubya's" off the books war in Iraq. It has to stop.


Not in the middle of a RECESSION!!! We were almost on our way out of this and all of a sudden, the teabaggers believe we have to solve this problem above all. We have to cut spending, balance our budget and no new taxes. They have come up with a plan that would eliminate 700,000 jobs in the middle of a recession. They would take 4 trillion dollars out of the economy over the next ten years. They would do that in the name of better government.

Bull!! They would wreck the economy and blame the Democrats so they could get back into power. I cannot tell you how frustrated I am.

People are good. People are generally trusting. I listened to two friends debate whether the National Football League players lockout will be resolved before the next season. "Hello! What about the debt ceiling?"
They honestly believe that it will resolve itself. They honestly believe that wiser minds will solve that problem. They don't have to worry about it. Like they don't have to worry about global warming. Jesus Christ!

Well brother,I'm thinking Halifax, Nova Scotia is looking better to me.
Your brother in pain